Last Night: Born Ruffians

So last night I went to Brooklyn to see the Born Ruffian free in-store show at Soundfix in Greenpoint. It was the complete opposite of what I expected. For starters, they didn't have any backline except for Luke's guitar. They were playing a 21+ show after at the Bell House so I can understand why they didn't bother to set anything else up, though. They played a piano-tambourine accompanied version of Little Garçon, but there was no bass to play the hook. So the bassist hummed it. That was funny, to me at least. They played a cut off of 'Kurt Vonnegut' too. I wonder if anyone else in the room knew the words.

The singer/guitarist Luke played 3 songs on his own first. They're unavailable for download or listening, but I would love to hear them again sometime. Mostly sad love songs, but they sounded great nevertheless. Favorite line- it sucks when you find someone/but they don't find you.

Set List: Luke's 3 songs, a cover of a song called 'Sam Stone', a cut of 'Kurt Vonnegut' and parts of 'Little Garçon'.

I went up to speak to them after; they were really nice. I'm half Canadian (and they're fully Canadian!) and was wearing the shirt I got from the Rogers Picnic. Yeah. I didn't take any pictures of them playing, but I did get this one:

I'm looking deceptively young. Anyway,

Little Garçon + - EP

So I just downloaded the new Born Ruffians EP. It's ok. I know I'll really like it eventually, because they're one of those bands that really take time to get into. And their new stuff is even more raw than their raw-but-still-marketable LP
Red, Yellow and Blue that has come to be one of my favorite albums. (See? I can't be critical.) The EP has 'Little Garçon', two par for the course remixes, and three other songs- 'Ready for Bed', 'Coldness Hot' and 'Wedding Rings and Midnight Strollers'. The vocals on these three songs are are rougher sounding than the ones on the LP, and more voids that would be deemed musical interludes by any number of mainstream producers are filled with their signature hooting sounds.

The EP clocks in at 33 minutes, is 6 songs and is available on iTunes for $3.99.

On Politics

No matter who you support, I think everyone can find some humor in this!
I haven't really been looking for new music. When I do, I'll post.

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Times Sunday Puzzle: Living Room Set?

Yeah, so I'm really excited for Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. It comes out on Friday. East Village love story with JunoBoy and playlists...sounds good to me!

Anyway so I was looking at the soundtrack for the movie and Vampy Weekend's on there with a song called "Ottoman", but it was (surprise!) album only. I gotta find a download. By hook or by crook? We'll see.

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